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Weekly Summary – March 17, 2025

· 2 min read
William Wolff

This week, the Leios team made significant progress in protocol development, focusing on improving simulation capabilities and analyzing protocol behavior under various network conditions. A comparison of Haskell and Rust simulations across 18 scenarios demonstrated that the Leios protocol scales effectively to mainnet-sized networks. However, congestion occurs when the input block rate reaches 30 IB/s.

Simulation comparison

  • Compared 18 scenarios between Haskell and Rust simulations at tag leios-2025w12
  • Recent fixes and adjustments enabled meaningful comparison between simulations
  • Identified differences when comparing the Haskell and Rust results, which are under active investigation.

Analysis of simulations

  • Completed the first simulation of Short Leios, evaluating IB production rate, IB size, and network topology
  • Demonstrated that the Leios protocol scales effectively to mainnet-sized networks
  • Identified congestion occurring when the input block rate exceeds 30 IB/s
  • Suggested that allowing IBs larger than current Praos RBs may have advantages in TCP efficiency, network usage, and adapting to fluctuating transaction loads.
Peak CPUMean CPU

Haskell simulation

  • Implemented expiration of blocks:
    • Blocks are removed from the relay buffer once diffusion stops and cleared from other states as specified
  • Developed an initial Full Leios implementation:
    • Currently in early testing
    • Added the praos-chain-quality configuration parameter for the \eta parameter from the specification.

Rust simulation

  • Developed an initial Full Leios implementation using estimated values for some parameters.

Formal methods

  • Short Leios trace verification: modeling local state evolution of a node
  • Developed an initial trace verifier for Short Leios simulation traces in leios-trace-verifier.