50% disk compression: A default estimate in Leios cost calculations that estimates storage savings through compression techniques.
Approximate Lower Bound Argument (ALBA): A cryptographic technique allowing a prover to succinctly demonstrate knowledge of a large dataset to a verifier, with a small approximation gap enabling efficient proof generation and verification.
Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS): A cryptographic signature scheme that allows for efficient aggregation of signatures.
Central processing unit (CPU) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) usage: A performance metric that tracks CPU consumption across various simulation stages.
Certificate: A cryptographic proof that attests to the validity of blocks or transactions.
Decentralization parameter: A measure of how distributed the control of the network is among its participants.
DeltaQ model: A framework for analyzing and predicting network quality of service (QoS) used to assess delay, loss, and other performance factors.
Diffusion strategy: The method used to propagate blocks and votes through the network. Strategies include:
- Oldest-first strategy – prioritizes older blocks for diffusion.
- Freshest-first strategy – prioritizes newer blocks for diffusion.
- Peer-order strategy – requests blocks in the order they were announced by peers.
Endorser block (EB): A block that references IBs and is produced by nodes that win the EB sortition lottery.
Epoch: A fixed period in the blockchain during which specific processes or calculations are performed.
Equivocation: The act of producing conflicting blocks or messages in a blockchain network.
Executable specification: A formally defined, executable model of a system that ensures an implementation conforms to its intended design.
Fait accompli sortition: A cryptographic selection process that ensures fairness and verifiability when choosing validators.
Freshest first: A policy for prioritizing newer blocks or transactions over older ones.
Haskell simulation: A parallel simulation of the Leios protocol in Haskell, used for latency measurement, event logging, and parameter tuning.
Input block (IB): A block that contains transactions and is produced by nodes that win the IB sortition lottery.
Latency: The delay between the submission of a transaction and its confirmation on the blockchain.
Leios cost calculator: An online tool that estimates the computational and financial costs of running Leios nodes, supporting both hyperscale and discount cloud providers.
Leios transaction lifecycle: A roadmap defining the different stages a transaction goes through, from submission to final confirmation within the Leios framework.
Leios-stage-active-voting-slots: A parameter that configures the duration of active voting stages in the Leios protocol.
Leios-vote-send-recv-stages: A configuration setting that defines the voting stages in the Leios protocol, including the send and receive phases.
Lovelace: The smallest unit of the Cardano cryptocurrency, named after Ada Lovelace.
Mithril: A protocol for voting and cryptographic proofs in the Leios framework.
Musen: A cryptographic protocol or component used within the Leios framework.
Organic topology generator: A tool that creates network topologies based on real-world stake pool and relay connections to simulate actual network behavior.
Pipeline: A sequence of stages in the Leios protocol where different types of blocks are produced and processed.
Praos: A version of the Ouroboros consensus protocol that Leios builds upon.
Quorum: The minimum number of votes required to certify a block or decision.
Ranking block (RB): A block that ranks other blocks and is part of the consensus mechanism.
Rational arithmetic: A method used in Leios sortition to replace quad-precision floating-point calculations, improving precision and computational efficiency.
Rust simulation: A simulation of the Leios protocol implemented in Rust, focusing on graph generation, topology creation, and performance visualization.
Send-recv voting: A structured two-stage voting mechanism where nodes send and receive votes.
Sharding: A method of partitioning data to improve scalability and performance.
Short-Leios simulation: A version of the Leios simulation that models ranking block intervals and outputs diffusion latency data.
Sortition: A probabilistic method for selecting nodes to perform specific roles based on their stake.
Stake: The amount of cryptocurrency a node holds, which influences its probability of being selected in sortition.
Storage cost amortization: A feature in the cost calculator that spreads storage costs over time, reducing upfront expenses.
Throughput: The rate at which transactions are processed by the network.
Throughput simulator: A system that models the transaction processing rate of Cardano nodes, aligned with the Leios framework.
Verifiable Random Function (VRF): A cryptographic function that produces a random output that can be verified.