Weekly Summary – January 13, 2025
· 2 min read
Cryptography benchmarks
- Implemented and benchmarked the complete Leios cryptography suite in the
Rust crate - Key VRF performance metrics:
- Proving: 240 µs
- Verifying: 390 µs
- Sortition performance (excluding VRF):
- Leadership checks (RB/IB/EB): 0.17 µs per slot/pipeline
- Vote number calculation: 3.8 µs per pipeline
- BLS operations benchmarked:
- Key possession proof verification: 1.5 ms per key
- Vote generation/verification: 280 µs / 1.4 ms per vote
- Certificate operations (300-vote quorum): 50 ms generation, 90 ms verification.
Cryptography design progress
- Optimized vote signature size to potentially as small as 192 bytes
- Determined that 500-vote committee certificates (60% quorum) would fit within Praos blocks at ~58 kB
- Explored potential synergies with KES rotation and Praos VRF BLS keys
- Completed cryptography sections for the first technical report
- Decision made to freeze current report content and move new findings to future documents.
Simulation development
Haskell simulation
- Achieved diffusion latency comparable to benchmark cluster data for Praos blocks
- Integrated agreed-upon simulation parameters with the Rust team
- Added event log output functionality with JSON support
- Implemented 'short-leios' simulation variant matching mainnet ranking block interval
- Fixed coordination issues in Relay mini-protocol consumers
- Completed the PI goal by adding total data transmitted per node visualization.
Rust simulation
- Implemented more granular CPU simulation times
- Fixed race condition in the simulated clock
- Started consuming a new shared configuration file format
- Established a shared configuration format with default parameters in